March 10, 2025

The number of Bitcoin ATMs in the US rose 177% over the past year


Worldwide, close to 10,000 new Bitcoin ATMs have been installed since March 1, 2020.

Since March 1, 2020, the number of new Bitcoin ATMs installed worldwide is nearing 10,000. According to the latest data from Coin ATM Radar, the current number of machines stands at 16,835, a strong 57.5% increase, or 9,683 new machines, as compared with 7,152 last year.

Back in Nov. 2020, Cointelegraph had reported a striking year-on-year increase of 80%. As previously, the vast majority of machines continue to be located in the United States, where 81% (13,699 out of 16,835 machines globally) are installed.

Within the U.S., growth has been unparalleled, rising by 177% since March 1, 2020, or from 4,945 machines to 13,699 as of March 10, 2021. Canada, the country with the next-highest number of Bitcoin ATMs, clocks in at just 1,268, accounting for roughly 7.5% of machines worldwide. 

Two of the top countries tracked by Coin ATM Radar, Austria and the United Kingdom, have seen a somewhat jagged trend in terms of Bitcoin ATM installations over the past couple of years: in the former, the number of machines peaked in May 2019, at 266, and has since fallen to 153 as of this week — a decrease of 42.5%.

In the U.K., the decline has been less stark, with a high point of 283 in Feb. 2020 as compared with 199 in the latest figures: just under a 30% decrease. Figures for Europe as a whole show a more or less steady, but modest, increase from a total of 1,233 machines back in March 2020 to 1,273 as of now.

Coin ATM Radar’s ticker tracking crypto ATM installation speed indicated that 34.6 new ATMs are being installed each day. A vast majority of these machines remain buy-only, at 77.6%, with 22.4% offering support for both buy and sell operations.

While the U.S., Canada and Europe account for the lion’s share of all crypto ATMs worldwide, Hong Kong (85 machines), the Russian Federation (53) and Colombia (46) stand out as the countries with the highest number of ATM locations beyond the North American and European contexts.

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