March 19, 2025

Community slams CEO over 70B CRO re-issuance

840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjUtMDMvMDE5NWFkN2EtNWQxMy03ZDRjLTkxY2ItMzE2ZjI5ZGUxYWY3’s Cronos blockchain is facing community criticism over governance issues as sources suggest that the exchange controls up to 80% of the voting power.

Major cryptocurrency exchange came under fire following an allegedly manipulated vote leading to a massive token burn reversal on’s Cronos blockchain. CEO Kris Marszalek took to X on March 19 to highlight the firm’s financial and regulatory stability amid the ongoing controversy over the 70 billion Cronos (CRO) token re-issuance.

Essentially canceling the 70 billion CRO token burn announced in 2021, the vote on bringing back the tokens has triggered outrage from the community, with many commentators criticizing the CEO for not addressing the issue in his new thread on X.

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